Safely Using Pesticides at Home

Pesticides are chemicals designed to kill or harm pests. They include insecticides used for insect control, herbicides used for weed control, fungicides used for fungi and mold control, and rodenticides used for rodent control. Household pests can include insects such as flies, cockroaches and mosquitoes, or rodents like mice or rats.

Although you can easily obtain household pesticides, this does not mean that they are harmless. They are toxic and if used carelessly, they may affect the health of the user, their family, pets or the environment.


  • Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and always use the product strictly as directed. Do not use more than the recommended amount and make sure that you follow all safety precautions.
  • Do not mix pesticides. You risk an unexpected and potentially dangerous chemical reaction.
  • Store the pesticide in its original container with the lid firmly sealed and keep out of the reach of children, for example, locked in a high cupboard in the garage. Never transfer pesticides into containers that children might mistake for food or drink.
  • Do not set traps or place baits in areas that are accessible to children, pets or native animals.
  • Wear the protective clothing suggested in the manufacturer’s instructions whenever you handle or use the pesticide, for example, rubber gloves.
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke while using a pesticide.
  • Wash your hands after use.
  • Follow every safety instruction included in the purchase and packaging of your pesticide for your best results. Please reference the safety data sheets that are included in your purchase.